
Striving For Musical Excellence, Finding Beauty In Every Note


Striving For Musical Excellence, Finding Beauty In Every Note

oklahoma conservatory of music

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about ocm.

Founded in 2013 by Dr. Angelika Machnik-Jones, Oklahoma Conservatory of Music is a music school that leads people toward a lifelong engagement with music by providing high-quality music teaching and performing activities, and harnessing the power of music to educate, inspire and bring comfort to the community it serves. Our overall vision consists of a multi-dimensional approach to music education, with various musical offerings enhancing private study of an instrument. OCM faculty are all professional performers, highly educated in music, and experienced teachers. OCM is passionate about the value of music for all people and is committed to providing every student with a comprehensive music education and a path to lifelong learning. OCM believes that music is an essential element of a strong, well-educated, and compassionate community, music bolsters the brain, strengthens community bonds and nourishes the human spirit.

The goal of OCM is simple - to make aspiring young people be the best musicians they can be. In order to achieve this, OCM provides a comprehensive music education that includes private study with artist faculty, chamber music, chamber orchestra, solfège and theory classes, and frequent enrichment offerings. Our Conservatory students are given many performance opportunities through recitals, community concerts, masterclass performances and studio class performances.

As students move through the OCM experience, we ask them to keep these ideas at the forefront of their minds:

  • to be the most inquisitive musician

  • to be the most articulate musician

  • to be the most technically polished musician

  • to be able to move any audience for whom they play



From Our Students' Parents.

"Our children have studied cello, violin, piano, and musicianship at the Oklahoma Conservatory of Music since 2014, after studying one year at another music studio. We have found the instructors at OCM to be thoughtful, dedicated educators, who have instilled in our children what will hopefully be a lifelong love of music. The instructors expect the best of their students, and will challenge them to reach their full potential. However, they do so in a patient, encouraging, and caring manner. We feel truly blessed that our children are able to learn from such accomplished, professional musicians."

John Graham


"We have been so pleased with our experience at the Oklahoma Conservatory of Music. My daughter (age 8) has been in private cello instruction and my son (age 10) in private piano for the last 2 years. Angelika is an amazing teacher, working well with both new beginners and advanced students. She is patient and kind but at the same time sets clear expectations and goals from my daughter. Angelika introduced scales and technique early on, which has helped my daughter advance rapidly in both her musical knowledge and skills. At the same time, she is always working on a performance piece to keep lessons fun and interesting.

We really like that OCM holds frequent recitals (both small and large) to encourage the children and help with performance skills. Our kids are no longer scared about playing in front of an audience.

The musicianship classes have also been a great addition to their musical education. They meet with a small group of similar age (two other sibling sets - lots of fun!). The class is taught in a high energy, interactive way that keeps them interested and learning all the fundamentals of music that can be overlooked in many other private lesson settings.

Overall, I am so thankful that a friend recommended Angelika's music school when we were looking to make a change. At this point, I can't imagine working with anyone else!!"

Jennifer Norman


"Marat Gabdullin at the Oklahoma Conservatory of Music has been an outstanding teacher. I can't emphasize how important it is to have a skilled instructor, even for a beginning string student. There are a lot of bad habits one can pick up that are hard to unlearn. Marat's teaching is very rigorous, he will not allow you to progress with weak form that could hurt your playing later on.

Both of my boys have been taking lessons with Marat for several years now, and I can say the improvement has been remarkable. They have both been successful auditioning for the prestigious Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute Orchestra at Quartz Mountain, as well as placing in the All-State Orchestra.

If you dream of playing your instrument at a very advanced, maybe even professional level, OCM would be the ideal place for you to enjoy lessons. The director, Angelika Machnik-Jones, is a similarly outstanding Cello Instructor, and I don't believe she would offer any instructors that weren't top notch."

Doug Kennedy

ocm news.

June 20, 2023

OCM pianist, Samuel Doerscher Rhoades performs in New York City Laureate Gala at Carnegie Hall’s Weill Recital Hall, following his win in the Sound Espressivo Music Competition. Pictured here with his teacher, Ruirui Ouyang-Johnson. Samuel is also the third prize winner at the South Kansas Symphony Concerto Competition, has appeared in the online “Serie Jovens Pianistas” performances, and attends the Interlochen Summer Arts Camp in Michigan.

June 2, 2023

OCM cellists, Brownie Brimage, Julia Ungvari and Noah Koo perform in the Oklahoma Music Teachers Association Winner’s Recital at the University of Oklahoma’s Sharp Hall. Brownie Brimage was the Senior Strings winner at the OMTA Senior Competition. Julia Ungvari was the National Finalist at the MTNA Senior Strings Performance Competition, and Noah Koo was the alternate winner in the South Central Division of the MTNA Junior Strings Performance Competition. All three cellists are students of Dr. Angelika Machnik-Jones.

May 25, 2023

OCM faculty featured in the the Soluna Concert Series “From Candlelight” concert at St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral. Musicians include violinist Erin Ripka, cellist Angelika Machnik-Jones, and pianists Ruirui Ouyang-Johnson and Joseph Ripka.

May 18, 2023

Thirteen OCM violin, viola, cello and piano students featured in the OCM Honors Recital at The Church of the Servant in Oklahoma City. This event honors students, who have achieved significant accomplishments in the past year. These students include pianists Elizabeth Chiu, Samuel Doerscher Rhoades, Ian Cass; violinists Clara Ripka, Eli Albright, Avery Albright; violist Emma Bax; cellists Noah Koo, Elizabeth Kwok, Brownie Brimage, Julia Ungvari, Jenna Jiang, Olivia Wang.

April 29, 2023

OCM cellist, Brownie Brimage wins the OMTA Senior Strings Competition. He will be featured on June 2nd in the OMTA Winners Recital at the University of Oklahoma. Brownie has performed with the Oklahoma All State Orchestra and is a member the Oklahoma Youth Orchestras. He is a student of Dr. Angelika Machnik-Jones.

April 23, 2023

OCM cellist, Julia Ungvari becomes the First Prize Winner in the Low Strings Buttram Competition at the 2023 Oklahoma City Philharmonic Young Musician Competition. Julia is a student of Dr. Angelika Machnik-Jones. Pictured here with OKC Phil Executive Director, Brent Hart and the other competitions winners.

March 27, 2023

OCM cellist, Julia Ungvari performs in Reno, Nevada at the National Finals of the MTNA Senior Strings Performance Competition, as one of the eight high school aged musicians reaching the national level of the competition. Julia has been part of the Oklahoma All State Orchestra and is a member of the Oklahoma Youth Orchestra. She has performed at the Crescendo Music Festival in Hungary and OU Summer Strings Academy in Oklahoma. She is a student of Dr. Angelika Machnik-Jones.